My silly girls playing with their pom poms Monday night
So I made a GREAT dinner! Tomato cream sauce and pasta from I'm not a pasta fan AT ALL, but Jimmy loves pasta. To the recipe I added a half a can of tomato paste plus sauteed garlic shrimp. WOW! YUMMY. Even the girls ate it up and really enjoyed it! GO ME!
Georgia had a rough nights sleep Sunday night, she whimpered out a lot and cried at 4am she came walking in my room and said, SLEEP WITH MOMMY. I didn't care, I just wanted her to STOP!
She had a fairly good day, ate a TON!!! Raisin bread, strawberries, blueberries, a HUGE banana, chocolate pudding, havarti cheese, quarter of an apple, a slice of liverwurst, a quarter of a red bell pepper with some ranch, AND hummus and pretzel crisps...ALL BEFORE NOON!
She made me "Cookie soup" and we ate it out of her plastic tea set. She's SO creative!
She napped, FINALLY at 2pm and woke up when I had gone to pick up Stella from the bus stop. (I will leave her home when she sleeps while Jimmy sleeps....) Well, she woke up, no biggie, but Jimmy didn't hear her....OH BOY. I walked up the walkway to see her give me the dirtiest look and then she started to cry....UGH, what a shot through my heart!
Tuesday April 19 2011
I'm 26 wks.....12 more weeks....unless I actually go into labor OR persuade one of my doctors to take me sooner. DEAR GOD, I don't think I can make it. The only way I'm NOT in pain is if I lay down all day and not do anything.....UGH, that doesn't happen very often, if ever.
I just wish sleeping was easier. It hurts. Hip pain, back pain, belly pain....oh my gosh. AND turning OVER.....let's just say there is a LOT of moaning involved and it's an ugly site! LOL
I went to the OB today and gained 3 more lbs!!! YAY! It's a 4 lb gain total. Initially I was hoping to gain 40 lbs...I'll be lucky to make it to 20. I know, most people think WHY do you want to gain, WHY are you worried so much. Well I've been reading this wonderful book by Dr. Barbara Luke, When you're expecting Twins, Triplets and quads. I've even been in touch through email with her a bit. The demands of multiples on your body is just AMAZING. There are SO many things that can go wrong SO QUICKLY. My goal this pregnancy was to stay as hydrated as I possibly can. Both with Stella and Georgia I had kidney and bladder problems. At 26 wks with Stella I had kidney stones and had a scare with pre-term labor. After the week in the hospital I contracted continuously until I was 38 wks. And with Georgia I was about 32 weeks when I went into L&D due to not feeling well...when I was there I went to the bathroom and there was bright red blood everywhere. I had a severe bladder infection. As ANY woman who has gone through pregnancy the LAST thing you ever want to see is blood when you go to the bathroom. I will NEVER forget the feeling of leaving L&D that day with my medication and standing next to my car just sobbing....WHAT A SCARE! I still tear up just thinking of the emotions of that day, seeing blood and being 32 wks I initially thought G was coming 8 wks early...NOT something I was wanting.
So here I am, drinking my days away,LOL, Doing all I have to do to avoid dehydration. When I'm not drinking I eat, but man to I get full fast. Trying to keep positive thoughts for the next 12 wks. I'm just taking it one day at a time.
Staying hydrated is very important, even when nursing. I had the worse case of dehydration when I was sick (as in running to the bathroom) and nursing. I went down hill so fast by the time I realised I was dehydrating it was too late and I ended up taking an ambulance to the hospital. Now I keep powdered gator-aid in the back of the kitchen closet, 'cause times you just can't get to the store in time!